Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Dealing with Homesickness...

     Hey everyone! looking at the title of this article I'm sure that you've guessed this isn't another fun update on my life.  However this is a post that I think could really help a lot of people who are struggling with living far away from home...

     I've been living in Italy for about 5 months now. I just turned 17 a couple weeks ago. I'd say I'm pretty young to be living away from my family, especially considering we're on different continents. Anyone living a plane ride from home knows that you can call home a million times but you never feel close enough. When you feel sad you know that there's no way for you to get a hug from your mom. And when you want help with homework your big sister isn't there to assist.  This has been my biggest challenge when dealing with homesickness. 
     Luckily for me, it hasn't happened that often. It's something that hits me once maybe twice a month, and usually only lasts for a day. That's all it is, a bad day.
     When you first arrive to your host country, one of two things can happen. One, you might experience a vacation-like excitement. Everything is new and adventurous and because you've only been there for a short amount of time it feels temporary. It's called the "honeymoon" stage. The second thing that could happen is homesickness. You might start dwelling on the time-change and distance as soon as you step off that plane. It's probably because you're scared, that's normal. Some of my friends went through the honeymoon stage when they first arrived to Italy. And some of them skipped it and went to homesickness first. I went to the homesickness stage. 
     In the time that I've been here I've dealt with both the hard and easy sides of homesickness. It's not something that you just wake up with. For my friends and myself, we've noticed that it comes from having a bad day, or maybe a bad week. Maybe you had a hard time at school, you have a headache, and you're stressed out about a couple things. Then your mind wanders to relaxing in your old bedroom, to hanging out with your's almost like everything happens in an illusion. Sometimes you get so lost in your mind that it feels like you're actually back home for a second. Personally, when this happens to me there's this strange sort of jump moment where I realize I'm not back home, I'm in Italy, and I have this mini-shock where I look around and remember where I've been for the past 5 months. It's freaky. It might be too complicated to explain.
     I've handled homesickness a few different ways. The thing that troubles me most about it though is that people don't understand it. The typical response you'll get when you tell people you're homesick is that you should go out with them or do something fun. And if that works for you then by all means go ahead, have fun! Adventure to the beach, go for a hike, hang out with friends! It's the perfect solution to homesickness for some people. For others (me being among them) I need to stay home in my room for the night, and I'll be fine the next day. It really depends on the type of person you are. Handle it the way you feel it needs to be handled. I'm telling you this because I did not get this memo before coming here. If you feel like everybody is pushing you to go out when you're sad, don't go if you can't handle it, it's okay. 
     However let me make myself clear, I am 100% not telling you to lock yourself in your room every time you feel this way. Don't build up a bad habit of isolating yourself, because then you could become depressed. Most exchange students experience depression a couple times during their exchange, so try to stay away from that. As much as I need these "stay-at-home" days for recovery, 4/5 times I make myself go out. This is the way that I handle my homesickness because I know it's right for me. 
     That's another thing I'd like to bring up while I'm on the topic of pushing yourself. I've developed a way of thinking since I've been here that really works for me, and although it can be scary, it's what has made my exchange year so special. My new motto in life is "Just Say Yes.
(Remember kids:  Pugs before drugs) ==>
To me, "Just Say Yes" means saying yes to lots of things I would normally say no to. Like going out to a party with a bunch of people I don't know. It's not something I am usually comfortable doing, and I still don't love the idea when I first hear it. But for New Years Eve, Christmas, and all the parties in between, guess who always pushed herself to go out and socialize?
     So yeah. Do yourself a favor and adopt the motto. Just say yes guys.
     And again, please remember that homesickness is temporary. And dealing with it is hard, but you'll get through it. Talking to other exchange students about it can be really helpful. You'd be surprised how close you'll become with each other. Remember that you're all going through the exact same thing even if you don't think so. Maybe someone feels alone, so talk to them about it, nobody can relate to you like they do. 
     I hope this post was informative and helped some of you guys out. 
   Lots of love, 
     Nicole xoxo

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hello 2017!

     As of yesterday, I officially passed the 4 month mark of my exchange! It's been a whole 4 months since I've started my new life here in Italy, and I've already made some of the best memories I know I'll ever make. 
     I'd like to start off by saying Happy New Year! It is now 2017!

     That is so insane to actually write out. It feels like we should just start inventing new months to add on after December, like 2016 should just continue going on as it did.
      I think it's pretty obvious that the craziest part of my year was my big move to Europe. Nothing has ever opened my eyes to the world like living in Italy has. I see everything through the eyes of another culture, and everything in my life seems lighter in a way. Stepping back from the life I've lived for almost 17 years has made me feel different. I feel more adventurous, and more at peace about certain things that used to caused me such an immense amount of stress. And I've found that I'm even more patient than I used to be. Now I look forward to traveling the world. I want to keep trying new, exciting things and going to more amazing places. I want to get back in touch with my Mexican roots and improve my Spanish. My views on what I want to do and who I want to become have been changed by this whole experience, and I'm only 2/5 of the way done! 
     These last few months, I've started doing things that I used to do, and I've found that they still make me very happy! I write in a journal nearly every day and I started a Youtube channel! As of right now it is specifically for my exchange, but I'm thinking about maybe turning it into something more... (SUBSCRIBE to me at )
     I think my greatest achievement in 2016 is the improvement in my confidence. I no longer feel as nervous traveling alone or going out by myself. And I even feel like a healthier person (perhaps that's to do with the absence of fast-food in my life). I even enjoy being more active: hiking, skiing, running and even walking are all things I look forward to. I just want to get out and go places! 
     My confidence in my Italian speaking skills has improved. Both because I have a better understanding and usage of the language and because I feel more comfortable speaking it than before. I don't feel embarrassed when I'm telling a story and know that I've made about nine-thousand grammatical errors in just a short paragraph. I no longer put pressure on myself to perfect a language that I've only been learning for four months- I know I'm doing great so far! What matters is that I can effectively communicate. When I talk, they understand- that's all I need... :p 
     I've got another 7 months of my amazing exchange. I hope to fill it with even more memories, laughs, and strengthen the friendships I've made. I still have a European Tour and a couple trips with my family to look forward to! 2017 will be an amazing year and it's already off to a great start! I look forward to sharing it with all of you. 

Lots of love, 
    Nicole xx