Saturday, June 3, 2017

6 Reasons to Study Abroad

Hello everybody! Happy June! 
     Allow me to formally introduce myself to anybody who hasn't been on my blog before. My name's Nicole, I'm 17, and I am an exchange student with Rotary International. 
     So, I thought it'd be a nice idea to write about the perks of being an exchange student, maybe recruit some of you!! ;D
     I'm not going to lie, being an exchange student is no walk in the park; But at the end of the day, I wouldn't trade this experience for any. I have grown so much this year. I've made some really amazing friends, all over the world for that matter. I've learned a new language! My confidence has improved, and my general knowledge of world politics has broadened. So without further adieu, heres 6 reasons why you should consider becoming an exchange student. 

1. Learn A New Language 
          This is something that I find really helps you stand out from the crowd. I'm fluent in English Spanish, and now Italian! If you're looking at it from an academic perspective, learning a new language is something that can prove very useful in the future whether it's a special skill on your resume or a handy asset in a political career (And to the dudes - it'll help you get the ladies). Aside from that, by learning a new language, you're widening the amount of people that you can communicate with in the world - significantly! It's a wonderful opportunity to put yourself out there culturally and exercise your musical ear. 

2. Become More Culturally Aware
         If there's anything that I've been exposed to, it's the difference between my native culture and the culture of my new European country. I've noticed differences in many political views, as well as racism and sexism. I live in a modernized country, but the social differences between my native and host-country are still very apparent to me. Even my general knowledge on the United States has improved. My eyes have opened to many political issues that I didn't realize were going on, and I am now significantly more educated on the subject.

3. Independence
          As an exchange student, you are in charge of organizing many things going on in your life. You need to remember everything from filling out visa applications, going to post offices, and making appointments. These are all things that your host parents can help you with. But it's your responsibility to recognize the everything you need to do (You are, after all, in your country on a visa, and you need to get temporary citizenships, permissions to attend foreign schools and a temporary living abroad license). Responsibly is an essential quality for every exchange student. Independence is also something you should have a basis of before going abroad. Your exchange year is not the best place to learn it for the first time. Unless you feel independent enough to live away from your family and take charge of most aspects of your life, exchange isn't quite ready for you- yet! A good set of social skills are also really good to have before going abroad. Your year away from your home country is a place to improve your social and independence skills, not acquire them.

4. Make Friends
          The best part of my exchange year? Making friends all around the world. And not just any friends...these are the most fun, adventurous, smart and accepting people you will ever meet. They're all people with personalities like yours. They seek adventures and traveling! Friends filled with wanderlust and the desire to learn about new cultures and people. I've met some of the most interesting people on my exchange - the most crazy being exchange students. Your friends are what keep this year exciting! They help you learn the language and culture, and they are what make up the memories of your year abroad!  And after this year, I have a home in every country. 

5.  Learn More About Yourself
          Do you know what I learned about myself on my year abroad? I'm not ready to leave home. And I am fully prepared to attend community college before going to a four-year university for the sole purpose of staying with my family another 2 years. And that's not something I would have known had I not moved away. I've experienced personal growth as well as learning more about what makes me happy. 

6. An Unforgettable Experience
          How could a year in Spain not be life changing? Or Germany or Japan or Italy? A year in Brazil?  There is no way you can spend a year of your life adventuring in another country and not enjoy it. Of course it has its ups and downs. But so would a normal year living at home. I know I'll never forget the time I flew to Rome for a weekend. The time my friends and I swam in one of the most beautiful beaches on the planet. Nothing compares to the memories you make abroad, and you'll only get to live them once, and in no way like this.

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